Quotes of Alan Franks - somelinesforyou

“ Perhaps there is a sadist in me which delights in swimming against the gray onrush of commuters; of boarding an empty train in a teeming station-one of those coaches with the special fusty smell of aging upholstery. ”

- Alan Franks

“ Perhaps there is a sadist in me which delights in swimming against the gray onrush of commuters; of boarding an empty train in a teeming station-one of those coaches with the special fusty smell of aging upholstery. ”

- Alan Franks

“ Perhaps there is a sadist in me which delights in swimming against the gray onrush of commuters; of boarding an empty train in a teeming station-one of those coaches with the special fusty smell of aging upholstery. ”

- Alan Franks

“ Perhaps there is a sadist in me which delights in swimming against the gray onrush of commuters; of boarding an empty train in a teeming station-one of those coaches with the special fusty smell of aging upholstery. ”

- Alan Franks

“ Perhaps there is a sadist in me which delights in swimming against the gray onrush of commuters; of boarding an empty train in a teeming station-one of those coaches with the special fusty smell of aging upholstery. ”

- Alan Franks

“ Perhaps there is a sadist in me which delights in swimming against the gray onrush of commuters; of boarding an empty train in a teeming station-one of those coaches with the special fusty smell of aging upholstery. ”

- Alan Franks

“ Perhaps there is a sadist in me which delights in swimming against the gray onrush of commuters; of boarding an empty train in a teeming station-one of those coaches with the special fusty smell of aging upholstery. ”

- Alan Franks

“ Perhaps there is a sadist in me which delights in swimming against the gray onrush of commuters; of boarding an empty train in a teeming station-one of those coaches with the special fusty smell of aging upholstery. ”

- Alan Franks
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