Quotes of Alfred Molina - somelinesforyou

“ I never made conscious choices. There were times in my life that I chose the first job that came along because I was broke. I think that there were maybe a handful of times that I had a choice. In recent years, I've had more of a choice, and it's been very nice to have that choice, but most of the time, you just hope that there's another job after this one. ”

- Alfred Molina

“ There's a whole army of people looking after you to make sure that you're not in any kind of danger. I mean, even when you're up swinging off a wire, there's people there checking everything. Everything is double checked and triple checked before you go anywhere near it… ”

- Alfred Molina

“ I don't think that there's such a thing as a career. I think that career is a myth. A career isn't what you have ahead of you. A career is what you've got behind you. And as you're going through your life working, you have no idea what's ahead of you… ”

- Alfred Molina

“ I'm a quite gregarious person. I'm not out clubbing every night or anything like that, but I socialize. I have a nice group of friends. ”

- Alfred Molina

“ If anything, as a general rule, the cheaper the movie the more creative the experience, generally speaking. It's not to denigrate expensive movies. I don't want to seem biting the hands that feed me, but with big movies, especially with a lot of effects, the role of the actor is somewhat diminished. ”

- Alfred Molina

“ I never made conscious choices. There were times in my life that I chose the first job that came along because I was broke. I think that there were maybe a handful of times that I had a choice. In recent years, I've had more of a choice, and it's been very nice to have that choice, but most of the time, you just hope that there's another job after this one. ”

- Alfred Molina

“ I never made conscious choices. There were times in my life that I chose the first job that came along because I was broke. I think that there were maybe a handful of times that I had a choice. In recent years, I've had more of a choice, and it's been very nice to have that choice, but most of the time, you just hope that there's another job after this one. ”

- Alfred Molina

“ There's a whole army of people looking after you to make sure that you're not in any kind of danger. I mean, even when you're up swinging off a wire, there's people there checking everything. Everything is double checked and triple checked before you go anywhere near it… ”

- Alfred Molina

“ If anything, as a general rule, the cheaper the movie the more creative the experience, generally speaking. It's not to denigrate expensive movies. I don't want to seem biting the hands that feed me, but with big movies, especially with a lot of effects, the role of the actor is somewhat diminished. ”

- Alfred Molina

“ If anything, as a general rule, the cheaper the movie the more creative the experience, generally speaking. It's not to denigrate expensive movies. I don't want to seem biting the hands that feed me, but with big movies, especially with a lot of effects, the role of the actor is somewhat diminished. ”

- Alfred Molina

“ If anything, as a general rule, the cheaper the movie the more creative the experience, generally speaking. It's not to denigrate expensive movies. I don't want to seem biting the hands that feed me, but with big movies, especially with a lot of effects, the role of the actor is somewhat diminished. ”

- Alfred Molina

“ If anything, as a general rule, the cheaper the movie the more creative the experience, generally speaking. It's not to denigrate expensive movies. I don't want to seem biting the hands that feed me, but with big movies, especially with a lot of effects, the role of the actor is somewhat diminished. ”

- Alfred Molina

“ Every job is different. I don't think that I've ever had that wonderful feeling when you've finished a job or where you feel like you've mastered it or sort of nailed it… You can never be satisfied. If you're satisfied, it's time to retire. ”

- Alfred Molina

“ I do remember being a fan of the Marvel characters and not liking the DC characters at all. ”

- Alfred Molina

“ A 'Fiddler' with no Jew sounds crazy, no? ”

- Alfred Molina

“ I never made conscious choices. There were times in my life that I chose the first job that came along because I was broke. I think that there were maybe a handful of times that I had a choice. In recent years, I've had more of a choice, and it's been very nice to have that choice, but most of the time, you just hope that there's another job after this one. ”

- Alfred Molina

“ You're suspended sixty feet up in the air, you've been up there for three hours, and all the shot requires is that you have to sort of react to getting punched in the head. ”

- Alfred Molina

“ A 'Fiddler' with no Jew sounds crazy, no? ”

- Alfred Molina

“ A 'Fiddler' with no Jew sounds crazy, no? ”

- Alfred Molina

“ A 'Fiddler' with no Jew sounds crazy, no? ”

- Alfred Molina

“ I do remember being a fan of the Marvel characters and not liking the DC characters at all. ”

- Alfred Molina

“ A 'Fiddler' with no Jew sounds crazy, no? ”

- Alfred Molina

“ I'm a quite gregarious person. I'm not out clubbing every night or anything like that, but I socialize. I have a nice group of friends. ”

- Alfred Molina

“ The worst thing that an actor can do is go into any project with a lack of respect for the material. You can have an opinion about it, but you have to respect yourself in doing it. ”

- Alfred Molina

“ I don't think that there's such a thing as a career. I think that career is a myth. A career isn't what you have ahead of you. A career is what you've got behind you. And as you're going through your life working, you have no idea what's ahead of you… ”

- Alfred Molina

“ I do remember being a fan of the Marvel characters and not liking the DC characters at all. ”

- Alfred Molina

“ If anything, as a general rule, the cheaper the movie the more creative the experience, generally speaking. It's not to denigrate expensive movies. I don't want to seem biting the hands that feed me, but with big movies, especially with a lot of effects, the role of the actor is somewhat diminished. ”

- Alfred Molina

“ Every job is different. I don't think that I've ever had that wonderful feeling when you've finished a job or where you feel like you've mastered it or sort of nailed it… You can never be satisfied. If you're satisfied, it's time to retire. ”

- Alfred Molina

“ I'm a quite gregarious person. I'm not out clubbing every night or anything like that, but I socialize. I have a nice group of friends. ”

- Alfred Molina

“ The worst thing that an actor can do is go into any project with a lack of respect for the material. You can have an opinion about it, but you have to respect yourself in doing it. ”

- Alfred Molina
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