Quotes of Anna Wickham - somelinesforyou

“ The fight ended. For both was victory. For both there was defeat. ”

- Anna Wickham

“ It is well within the order of things that man should listen when his mate sings; but the true male never yet walked who liked to listen when his mate talked. ”

- Anna Wickham

“ It is well within the order of things that man should listen when his mate sings; but the true male never yet walked who liked to listen when his mate talked. ”

- Anna Wickham

“ Kinder the enemy who must malign us Than the smug friend who will define us. ”

- Anna Wickham

“ It is well within the order of things that man should listen when his mate sings; but the true male never yet walked who liked to listen when his mate talked. ”

- Anna Wickham

“ It is well within the order of things that man should listen when his mate sings; but the true male never yet walked who liked to listen when his mate talked. ”

- Anna Wickham

“ It is well within the order of things that man should listen when his mate sings; but the true male never yet walked who liked to listen when his mate talked. ”

- Anna Wickham

“ It is well within the order of things that man should listen when his mate sings; but the true male never yet walked who liked to listen when his mate talked. ”

- Anna Wickham

“ Think how poor Mother Eve was brought to being as God's afterthought. ”

- Anna Wickham

“ Kinder the enemy who must malign us Than the smug friend who will define us. ”

- Anna Wickham

“ Kinder the enemy who must malign us Than the smug friend who will define us. ”

- Anna Wickham

“ Think how poor Mother Eve was brought to being as God's afterthought. ”

- Anna Wickham

“ It is well within the order of things that man should listen when his mate sings; but the true male never yet walked who liked to listen when his mate talked. ”

- Anna Wickham

“ Think how poor Mother Eve was brought to being as God's afterthought. ”

- Anna Wickham

“ Think how poor Mother Eve was brought to being as God's afterthought. ”

- Anna Wickham

“ Think how poor Mother Eve was brought to being as God's afterthought. ”

- Anna Wickham
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