“ I admire wit as I do the wind; when it shakes the trees, it is fine; when it cools the wave, it is refreshing; when it steals over the flowers, it is enchanting; but when it whistles through the keyhole, it is unpleasant. ”
- Antoine Bret- Copy
- 851
“ I admire wit as I do the wind; when it shakes the trees, it is fine; when it cools the wave, it is refreshing; when it steals over the flowers, it is enchanting; but when it whistles through the keyhole, it is unpleasant. ”
- Antoine Bret- Copy
- 2.3K
“ I admire wit as I do the wind; when it shakes the trees, it is fine; when it cools the wave, it is refreshing; when it steals over the flowers, it is enchanting; but when it whistles through the keyhole, it is unpleasant. ”
- Antoine Bret- Copy
- 1.7K
“ I admire wit as I do the wind; when it shakes the trees, it is fine; when it cools the wave, it is refreshing; when it steals over the flowers, it is enchanting; but when it whistles through the keyhole, it is unpleasant. ”
- Antoine Bret- Copy
- 438
“ I admire wit as I do the wind; when it shakes the trees, it is fine; when it cools the wave, it is refreshing; when it steals over the flowers, it is enchanting; but when it whistles through the keyhole, it is unpleasant. ”
- Antoine Bret- Copy
- 1