Quotes of Burt Lancaster - somelinesforyou

“ I judge a restaurant by the bread and by the coffee. ”

- Burt Lancaster

“ I judge a restaurant by the bread and by the coffee. ”

- Burt Lancaster

“ I judge a restaurant by the bread and by the coffee. ”

- Burt Lancaster

“ I judge a restaurant by the bread and by the coffee. ”

- Burt Lancaster

“ Most people seem to think I'm the kind of guy who shaves with a blowtorch. Actually, I'm bookish and worrisome. ”

- Burt Lancaster

“ I judge a restaurant by the bread and by the coffee. ”

- Burt Lancaster

“ I judge a restaurant by the bread and by the coffee. ”

- Burt Lancaster

“ I judge a restaurant by the bread and by the coffee. ”

- Burt Lancaster

“ Most people seem to think I'm the kind of guy who shaves with a blowtorch. Actually, I'm bookish and worrisome. ”

- Burt Lancaster

“ I judge a restaurant by the bread and by the coffee. ”

- Burt Lancaster

“ Most people seem to think I'm the kind of guy who shaves with a blowtorch. Actually, I'm bookish and worrisome. ”

- Burt Lancaster

“ Most people seem to think I'm the kind of guy who shaves with a blowtorch. Actually, I'm bookish and worrisome. ”

- Burt Lancaster

“ Most people seem to think I'm the kind of guy who shaves with a blowtorch. Actually, I'm bookish and worrisome. ”

- Burt Lancaster
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