Quotes of C. L. R. James - somelinesforyou

“ As the class struggle sharpens in the U.S. Marxism will come into its own as a great popular study. ”

- C. L. R. James

“ The Paris Commune was first and foremost a democracy. The government was a body elected by universal suffrage. ”

- C. L. R. James

“ All the world has been converted and Washington is the modem Mecca. ”

- C. L. R. James

“ As the class struggle sharpens in the U.S. Marxism will come into its own as a great popular study. ”

- C. L. R. James

“ All the world has been converted and Washington is the modem Mecca. ”

- C. L. R. James

“ As the class struggle sharpens in the U.S. Marxism will come into its own as a great popular study. ”

- C. L. R. James

“ As the class struggle sharpens in the U.S. Marxism will come into its own as a great popular study. ”

- C. L. R. James

“ As the class struggle sharpens in the U.S. Marxism will come into its own as a great popular study. ”

- C. L. R. James

“ The Paris Commune was first and foremost a democracy. The government was a body elected by universal suffrage. ”

- C. L. R. James

“ As the class struggle sharpens in the U.S. Marxism will come into its own as a great popular study. ”

- C. L. R. James

“ As the class struggle sharpens in the U.S. Marxism will come into its own as a great popular study. ”

- C. L. R. James

“ As the class struggle sharpens in the U.S. Marxism will come into its own as a great popular study. ”

- C. L. R. James
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