Quotes of Charles Clark - somelinesforyou

“ We win games with defense. ”

- Charles Clark

“ The faces of the women and children in far-away Spain, widows and orphans of this July third rose before me so vividly that I had to draw comfort from the thought that a decisive victory is… more merciful than a prolonged struggle. ”

- Charles Clark

“ The faces of the women and children in far-away Spain, widows and orphans of this July third rose before me so vividly that I had to draw comfort from the thought that a decisive victory is… more merciful than a prolonged struggle. ”

- Charles Clark

“ We win games with defense. ”

- Charles Clark

“ The faces of the women and children in far-away Spain, widows and orphans of this July third rose before me so vividly that I had to draw comfort from the thought that a decisive victory is… more merciful than a prolonged struggle. ”

- Charles Clark

“ The faces of the women and children in far-away Spain, widows and orphans of this July third rose before me so vividly that I had to draw comfort from the thought that a decisive victory is… more merciful than a prolonged struggle. ”

- Charles Clark

“ The faces of the women and children in far-away Spain, widows and orphans of this July third rose before me so vividly that I had to draw comfort from the thought that a decisive victory is… more merciful than a prolonged struggle. ”

- Charles Clark
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