Quotes of Dr. Walter Smith - somelinesforyou

“ Paper and ink are all but trash, if I cannot find the thought which the writer did think. ”

- Dr. Walter Smith

“ Paper and ink are all but trash, if I cannot find the thought which the writer did think. ”

- Dr. Walter Smith

“ Our works decay and disappear but God gentlest works stay looking down on the ruins we toil to rear. ”

- Dr. Walter Smith

“ Our works decay and disappear but God gentlest works stay looking down on the ruins we toil to rear. ”

- Dr. Walter Smith

“ Paper and ink are all but trash, if I cannot find the thought which the writer did think. ”

- Dr. Walter Smith

“ Our works decay and disappear but God gentlest works stay looking down on the ruins we toil to rear. ”

- Dr. Walter Smith

“ Paper and ink are all but trash, if I cannot find the thought which the writer did think. ”

- Dr. Walter Smith

“ Paper and ink are all but trash, if I cannot find the thought which the writer did think. ”

- Dr. Walter Smith

“ Our works decay and disappear but God gentlest works stay looking down on the ruins we toil to rear. ”

- Dr. Walter Smith

“ Our works decay and disappear but God gentlest works stay looking down on the ruins we toil to rear. ”

- Dr. Walter Smith

“ Paper and ink are all but trash, if I cannot find the thought which the writer did think. ”

- Dr. Walter Smith

“ Paper and ink are all but trash, if I cannot find the thought which the writer did think. ”

- Dr. Walter Smith

“ Our works decay and disappear but God gentlest works stay looking down on the ruins we toil to rear. ”

- Dr. Walter Smith

“ Our works decay and disappear but God gentlest works stay looking down on the ruins we toil to rear. ”

- Dr. Walter Smith

“ Our works decay and disappear but God gentlest works stay looking down on the ruins we toil to rear. ”

- Dr. Walter Smith

“ Our works decay and disappear but God gentlest works stay looking down on the ruins we toil to rear. ”

- Dr. Walter Smith

“ Our works decay and disappear but God gentlest works stay looking down on the ruins we toil to rear. ”

- Dr. Walter Smith

“ Our works decay and disappear but God gentlest works stay looking down on the ruins we toil to rear. ”

- Dr. Walter Smith

“ Paper and ink are all but trash, if I cannot find the thought which the writer did think. ”

- Dr. Walter Smith

“ Our works decay and disappear but God gentlest works stay looking down on the ruins we toil to rear. ”

- Dr. Walter Smith

“ Paper and ink are all but trash, if I cannot find the thought which the writer did think. ”

- Dr. Walter Smith
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