Quotes of Earle Brown - somelinesforyou

“ Cage's Music of Changes was a further indication that the arts in general were beginning to consciously deal with the given material and, to varying degrees, liberating them from the inherited, functional concepts of control. ”

- Earle Brown

“ It is not possible, given any degree of optimism and generosity in regard to people in general, to set a time limit on creative reflection or a limitation on the number of people involved in the creation. ”

- Earle Brown

“ Cage's Music of Changes was a further indication that the arts in general were beginning to consciously deal with the given material and, to varying degrees, liberating them from the inherited, functional concepts of control. ”

- Earle Brown

“ Cage's Music of Changes was a further indication that the arts in general were beginning to consciously deal with the given material and, to varying degrees, liberating them from the inherited, functional concepts of control. ”

- Earle Brown

“ It is not possible, given any degree of optimism and generosity in regard to people in general, to set a time limit on creative reflection or a limitation on the number of people involved in the creation. ”

- Earle Brown

“ Cage's Music of Changes was a further indication that the arts in general were beginning to consciously deal with the given material and, to varying degrees, liberating them from the inherited, functional concepts of control. ”

- Earle Brown

“ It is not possible, given any degree of optimism and generosity in regard to people in general, to set a time limit on creative reflection or a limitation on the number of people involved in the creation. ”

- Earle Brown

“ Cage's Music of Changes was a further indication that the arts in general were beginning to consciously deal with the given material and, to varying degrees, liberating them from the inherited, functional concepts of control. ”

- Earle Brown

“ Cage's Music of Changes was a further indication that the arts in general were beginning to consciously deal with the given material and, to varying degrees, liberating them from the inherited, functional concepts of control. ”

- Earle Brown

“ Cage's Music of Changes was a further indication that the arts in general were beginning to consciously deal with the given material and, to varying degrees, liberating them from the inherited, functional concepts of control. ”

- Earle Brown

“ Cage's Music of Changes was a further indication that the arts in general were beginning to consciously deal with the given material and, to varying degrees, liberating them from the inherited, functional concepts of control. ”

- Earle Brown

“ What is a good performance? It lies in the hands and head of a performer… the shortest way between two people is not a straight line. ”

- Earle Brown

“ It is not possible, given any degree of optimism and generosity in regard to people in general, to set a time limit on creative reflection or a limitation on the number of people involved in the creation. ”

- Earle Brown

“ Cage's Music of Changes was a further indication that the arts in general were beginning to consciously deal with the given material and, to varying degrees, liberating them from the inherited, functional concepts of control. ”

- Earle Brown

“ What is a good performance? It lies in the hands and head of a performer… the shortest way between two people is not a straight line. ”

- Earle Brown

“ What is a good performance? It lies in the hands and head of a performer… the shortest way between two people is not a straight line. ”

- Earle Brown

“ Cage's Music of Changes was a further indication that the arts in general were beginning to consciously deal with the given material and, to varying degrees, liberating them from the inherited, functional concepts of control. ”

- Earle Brown
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