“ Build yourself up so that you are in a position to help others do the same. ”
- Ed Latimore- Copy
- 471
“ Be so busy building your own life that other people’s bullshit is of no concern. ”
- Ed Latimore- Copy
- 3.2K
“ Self-discipline and self-control determine the quality of your life more than anything else. ”
- Ed Latimore- Copy
- 26
“ Don’t live your life avoiding pain, but don’t chase it either. ”
- Ed Latimore- Copy
- 2.6K
“ Nothing sadder than seeing a person settle for so much lower than their potential. ”
- Ed Latimore- Copy
- 983
“ Humility, like gratitude, is not so much a technique as it is a way of life. ”
- Ed Latimore- Copy
- 3.2K
“ If you think that knowledge alone is power, remember: People still smoke and drink soda. ”
- Ed Latimore- Copy
- 1.8K
- 1