Quotes of Edgard Varese - somelinesforyou

“ Everyone is born with genius, but most people only keep it a few minutes. ”

- Edgard Varese

“ Contrary to general belief, an artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far behind theirs. ”

- Edgard Varese

“ I was not influenced by composers as much as by natural objects and physical phenomena. ”

- Edgard Varese

“ Contrary to popular belief, an artist is never ahead of his time, but most people are far behind theirs. ”

- Edgard Varese

“ Contrary to popular belief, an artist is never ahead of his time, but most people are far behind theirs. ”

- Edgard Varese

“ Contrary to popular belief, an artist is never ahead of his time, but most people are far behind theirs. ”

- Edgard Varese

“ I dream of instruments obedient to my thought and which with their contribution of a whole new world of unsuspected sounds, will lend themselves to the exigencies of my inner rhythm. ”

- Edgard Varese

“ Music, which should pulsate with life, needs new means of expression, and science alone can infuse it with youthful vigor. ”

- Edgard Varese

“ Music, which should pulsate with life, needs new means of expression, and science alone can infuse it with youthful vigor. ”

- Edgard Varese

“ Contrary to popular belief, an artist is never ahead of his time, but most people are far behind theirs. ”

- Edgard Varese

“ Everyone is born with genius, but most people only keep it a few minutes. ”

- Edgard Varese

“ Our musical alphabet is poor and illogical. ”

- Edgard Varese

“ I don't want to write any more for the old Man-power instruments and am handicapped by the lack of adequate electrical instruments for which I now conceive my music. ”

- Edgard Varese

“ Everyone is born with genius, but most people only keep it a few minutes. ”

- Edgard Varese

“ Our musical alphabet is poor and illogical. ”

- Edgard Varese

“ Our musical alphabet is poor and illogical. ”

- Edgard Varese

“ I don't want to write any more for the old Man-power instruments and am handicapped by the lack of adequate electrical instruments for which I now conceive my music. ”

- Edgard Varese

“ Music is organized sound. ”

- Edgard Varese

“ Our musical alphabet is poor and illogical. ”

- Edgard Varese

“ Everyone is born with genius, but most people only keep it a few minutes. ”

- Edgard Varese

“ Music is organized sound. ”

- Edgard Varese

“ Music is organized sound. ”

- Edgard Varese

“ Contrary to popular belief, an artist is never ahead of his time, but most people are far behind theirs. ”

- Edgard Varese

“ I was not influenced by composers as much as by natural objects and physical phenomena. ”

- Edgard Varese

“ I was not influenced by composers as much as by natural objects and physical phenomena. ”

- Edgard Varese

“ I don't want to write any more for the old Man-power instruments and am handicapped by the lack of adequate electrical instruments for which I now conceive my music. ”

- Edgard Varese

“ I was not influenced by composers as much as by natural objects and physical phenomena. ”

- Edgard Varese

“ I don't want to write any more for the old Man-power instruments and am handicapped by the lack of adequate electrical instruments for which I now conceive my music. ”

- Edgard Varese

“ Music, which should pulsate with life, needs new means of expression, and science alone can infuse it with youthful vigor. ”

- Edgard Varese

“ Music, which should pulsate with life, needs new means of expression, and science alone can infuse it with youthful vigor. ”

- Edgard Varese
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