Quotes of Franz Kline - somelinesforyou

“ Now, Bonnard at times seems styleless. Someone said of him that he had the rare ability to forget from one day to another what he had done. He added the next day's experience to it, like a child following a balloon. ”

- Franz Kline

“ The final test of a painting, theirs, mine, any other, is: does the painter's emotions come across? ”

- Franz Kline

“ You don't paint the way someone, by observing your life, thinks you have to paint, you paint the way you have to in order to give, that's life itself, and someone will look and say it is the product of knowing, but it has nothing to do with knowing, it has to do with giving… ”

- Franz Kline

“ You don't paint the way someone, by observing your life, thinks you have to paint, you paint the way you have to in order to give, that's life itself, and someone will look and say it is the product of knowing, but it has nothing to do with knowing, it has to do with giving… ”

- Franz Kline

“ The final test of a painting, theirs, mine, any other, is: does the painter's emotions come across? ”

- Franz Kline

“ You don't paint the way someone, by observing your life, thinks you have to paint, you paint the way you have to in order to give, that's life itself, and someone will look and say it is the product of knowing, but it has nothing to do with knowing, it has to do with giving… ”

- Franz Kline

“ You don't paint the way someone, by observing your life, thinks you have to paint, you paint the way you have to in order to give, that's life itself, and someone will look and say it is the product of knowing, but it has nothing to do with knowing, it has to do with giving… ”

- Franz Kline

“ You don't paint the way someone, by observing your life, thinks you have to paint, you paint the way you have to in order to give, that's life itself, and someone will look and say it is the product of knowing, but it has nothing to do with knowing, it has to do with giving… ”

- Franz Kline

“ The final test of a painting, theirs, mine, any other, is: does the painter's emotions come across? ”

- Franz Kline

“ If you're a painter, you're not alone. There's no way to be alone. ”

- Franz Kline

“ The final test of a painting, theirs, mine, any other, is: does the painter's emotions come across? ”

- Franz Kline

“ You don't paint the way someone, by observing your life, thinks you have to paint, you paint the way you have to in order to give, that's life itself, and someone will look and say it is the product of knowing, but it has nothing to do with knowing, it has to do with giving… ”

- Franz Kline

“ Now, Bonnard at times seems styleless. Someone said of him that he had the rare ability to forget from one day to another what he had done. He added the next day's experience to it, like a child following a balloon. ”

- Franz Kline

“ You don't paint the way someone, by observing your life, thinks you have to paint, you paint the way you have to in order to give, that's life itself, and someone will look and say it is the product of knowing, but it has nothing to do with knowing, it has to do with giving… ”

- Franz Kline
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