Quotes of George H. Mead - somelinesforyou

“ Society is unity in diversity. ”

- George H. Mead

“ In wartime we identify ourselves with the nation, and its interests are the interests of our primal selves. ”

- George H. Mead

“ To be interested in the public good we must be disinterested, that is, not interested in goods in which our personal selves are wrapped up. ”

- George H. Mead

“ The beauty of a face is not a separate quality but a relation or proportion of qualities to each other. ”

- George H. Mead

“ In wartime we identify ourselves with the nation, and its interests are the interests of our primal selves. ”

- George H. Mead

“ A multiple personality is in a certain sense normal. ”

- George H. Mead

“ To be interested in the public good we must be disinterested, that is, not interested in goods in which our personal selves are wrapped up. ”

- George H. Mead

“ The self has the characteristic that it is an object to itself, and that characteristic distinguishes it from other objects and from the body. ”

- George H. Mead

“ A multiple personality is in a certain sense normal. ”

- George H. Mead

“ A multiple personality is in a certain sense normal. ”

- George H. Mead

“ No very sharp line can be drawn between social psychology and individual psychology. ”

- George H. Mead

“ In wartime we identify ourselves with the nation, and its interests are the interests of our primal selves. ”

- George H. Mead

“ The self has the characteristic that it is an object to itself, and that characteristic distinguishes it from other objects and from the body. ”

- George H. Mead

“ The beauty of a face is not a separate quality but a relation or proportion of qualities to each other. ”

- George H. Mead

“ A multiple personality is in a certain sense normal. ”

- George H. Mead

“ In wartime we identify ourselves with the nation, and its interests are the interests of our primal selves. ”

- George H. Mead

“ No very sharp line can be drawn between social psychology and individual psychology. ”

- George H. Mead

“ Social psychology has, as a rule, dealt with various phases of social experience from the psychological standpoint of individual experience. ”

- George H. Mead

“ Society is unity in diversity. ”

- George H. Mead

“ The beauty of a face is not a separate quality but a relation or proportion of qualities to each other. ”

- George H. Mead

“ Society is unity in diversity. ”

- George H. Mead
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