Quotes of Iccho Itoh - somelinesforyou

“ The atomic bomb survivors… cannot wait another 50 years. Their highest hope is to see the abolition of nuclear weapons within their own lifetime. It is a steep climb to this goal, but one from which we must never relent. ”

- Iccho Itoh

“ The atomic bomb survivors… cannot wait another 50 years. Their highest hope is to see the abolition of nuclear weapons within their own lifetime. It is a steep climb to this goal, but one from which we must never relent. ”

- Iccho Itoh

“ The atomic bomb survivors… cannot wait another 50 years. Their highest hope is to see the abolition of nuclear weapons within their own lifetime. It is a steep climb to this goal, but one from which we must never relent. ”

- Iccho Itoh

“ The atomic bomb survivors… cannot wait another 50 years. Their highest hope is to see the abolition of nuclear weapons within their own lifetime. It is a steep climb to this goal, but one from which we must never relent. ”

- Iccho Itoh

“ The atomic bomb survivors… cannot wait another 50 years. Their highest hope is to see the abolition of nuclear weapons within their own lifetime. It is a steep climb to this goal, but one from which we must never relent. ”

- Iccho Itoh
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