Quotes of Jakob Nielsen - somelinesforyou

“ If your users have many questions, it's a failure of your primary site design. It becomes not so much customer support, as much as customer complaints. ”

- Jakob Nielsen

“ If your users have many questions, it's a failure of your primary site design. It becomes not so much customer support, as much as customer complaints. ”

- Jakob Nielsen

“ That's a big credibility booster. It's not just you saying it, but there's actually someone else who's saying it as well. ”

- Jakob Nielsen

“ That's a big credibility booster. It's not just you saying it, but there's actually someone else who's saying it as well. ”

- Jakob Nielsen

“ That's a big credibility booster. It's not just you saying it, but there's actually someone else who's saying it as well. ”

- Jakob Nielsen

“ People are extremely good at screening out things and focusing in on a small number of salient page elements. ”

- Jakob Nielsen

“ Investors want to understand what a company does,... Tech companies seem incapable of explaining their products in layman's terms, preferring to keep it a deep secret what they do. ”

- Jakob Nielsen

“ It's an extra burden on the user, too. People are on the Web not to enjoy your Web design, but to get something done. ”

- Jakob Nielsen

“ That's a big credibility booster. It's not just you saying it, but there's actually someone else who's saying it as well. ”

- Jakob Nielsen

“ It's an extra burden on the user, too. People are on the Web not to enjoy your Web design, but to get something done. ”

- Jakob Nielsen

“ It's an extra burden on the user, too. People are on the Web not to enjoy your Web design, but to get something done. ”

- Jakob Nielsen

“ If your users have many questions, it's a failure of your primary site design. It becomes not so much customer support, as much as customer complaints. ”

- Jakob Nielsen

“ If your users have many questions, it's a failure of your primary site design. It becomes not so much customer support, as much as customer complaints. ”

- Jakob Nielsen

“ Before, once it has been aired, it's gone, and it doesn't really contribute to our knowledge space. ”

- Jakob Nielsen

“ It's about time we start using more multimedia to convey information,... Good multimedia design is similar to film design. The goal is not to be flashy. ”

- Jakob Nielsen

“ The best Web sites are better than reality. ”

- Jakob Nielsen

“ The best Web sites are better than reality. ”

- Jakob Nielsen
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