Quotes of James B. Hill - somelinesforyou

“ The lucky fellow is the plucky fellow who has been burning midnight oil and taking defeat after defeat with a smile. ”

- James B. Hill

“ The lucky fellow is the plucky fellow who has been burning midnight oil and taking defeat after defeat with a smile. ”

- James B. Hill

“ The lucky fellow is the plucky fellow who has been burning midnight oil and taking defeat after defeat with a smile. ”

- James B. Hill

“ The lucky fellow is the plucky fellow who has been burning midnight oil and taking defeat after defeat with a smile. ”

- James B. Hill

“ The lucky fellow is the plucky fellow who has been burning midnight oil and taking defeat after defeat with a smile. ”

- James B. Hill

“ The lucky fellow is the plucky fellow who has been burning midnight oil and taking defeat after defeat with a smile. ”

- James B. Hill

“ The lucky fellow is the plucky fellow who has been burning midnight oil and taking defeat after defeat with a smile. ”

- James B. Hill

“ The lucky fellow is the plucky fellow who has been burning midnight oil and taking defeat after defeat with a smile. ”

- James B. Hill
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