Quotes of Joe Davis - somelinesforyou

“ This is a barbershop, not a hair salon. You come in here not trying to impress anyone. It's a place just to talk, to hang out with the fellows, talk about sports, women, relationships. ”

- Joe Davis

“ I came to the Indian Territory with my father and mother in 1892. I was 11 years old, we came through on the Santa Fe train from Texas to Pauls Valley, Indian Territory. On arriving at Pauls Valley, my father bought 2 horses and a wagon, we loaded up our household things, that my father has shipped through… ”

- Joe Davis

“ Sunday, that was our fun day. After Sunday school a group of boys that lived around Purdy, would meet at my house, nearly all owned saddle horses. We would go out on the prairie, there was not very many fences then. We would rope calves and have our rodeo, riding these calves on Sunday was when I learned to ride. ”

- Joe Davis

“ I went to school at this log school house. A white woman was my teacher, I do not remember her name. My father had to pay her one dollar a month for me. Us kids that went to school did not have desks, we used slates and set on the hued down logs for seats. ”

- Joe Davis

“ I went to school at this log school house. A white woman was my teacher, I do not remember her name. My father had to pay her one dollar a month for me. Us kids that went to school did not have desks, we used slates and set on the hued down logs for seats. ”

- Joe Davis

“ Study the best and highest things that are; but of yourself humble thoughts retain. ”

- Joe Davis

“ One thing I learned about riding is to look for trouble before it happens. ”

- Joe Davis

“ I came to the Indian Territory with my father and mother in 1892. I was 11 years old, we came through on the Santa Fe train from Texas to Pauls Valley, Indian Territory. On arriving at Pauls Valley, my father bought 2 horses and a wagon, we loaded up our household things, that my father has shipped through… ”

- Joe Davis

“ Sunday, that was our fun day. After Sunday school a group of boys that lived around Purdy, would meet at my house, nearly all owned saddle horses. We would go out on the prairie, there was not very many fences then. We would rope calves and have our rodeo, riding these calves on Sunday was when I learned to ride. ”

- Joe Davis

“ I came to the Indian Territory with my father and mother in 1892. I was 11 years old, we came through on the Santa Fe train from Texas to Pauls Valley, Indian Territory. On arriving at Pauls Valley, my father bought 2 horses and a wagon, we loaded up our household things, that my father has shipped through… ”

- Joe Davis

“ Study the best and highest things that are; but of yourself humble thoughts retain. ”

- Joe Davis

“ Study the best and highest things that are; but of yourself humble thoughts retain. ”

- Joe Davis

“ I came to the Indian Territory with my father and mother in 1892. I was 11 years old, we came through on the Santa Fe train from Texas to Pauls Valley, Indian Territory. On arriving at Pauls Valley, my father bought 2 horses and a wagon, we loaded up our household things, that my father has shipped through… ”

- Joe Davis

“ Study the best and highest things that are; but of yourself humble thoughts retain. ”

- Joe Davis

“ I came to the Indian Territory with my father and mother in 1892. I was 11 years old, we came through on the Santa Fe train from Texas to Pauls Valley, Indian Territory. On arriving at Pauls Valley, my father bought 2 horses and a wagon, we loaded up our household things, that my father has shipped through… ”

- Joe Davis

“ I went to school at this log school house. A white woman was my teacher, I do not remember her name. My father had to pay her one dollar a month for me. Us kids that went to school did not have desks, we used slates and set on the hued down logs for seats. ”

- Joe Davis

“ I came to the Indian Territory with my father and mother in 1892. I was 11 years old, we came through on the Santa Fe train from Texas to Pauls Valley, Indian Territory. On arriving at Pauls Valley, my father bought 2 horses and a wagon, we loaded up our household things, that my father has shipped through… ”

- Joe Davis

“ Once we're in the building, we'll be able to talk to them about other service opportunities. We'll build our service department first and from that we'll build our construction business. ”

- Joe Davis

“ I went to school at this log school house. A white woman was my teacher, I do not remember her name. My father had to pay her one dollar a month for me. Us kids that went to school did not have desks, we used slates and set on the hued down logs for seats. ”

- Joe Davis

“ Sunday, that was our fun day. After Sunday school a group of boys that lived around Purdy, would meet at my house, nearly all owned saddle horses. We would go out on the prairie, there was not very many fences then. We would rope calves and have our rodeo, riding these calves on Sunday was when I learned to ride. ”

- Joe Davis

“ Sunday, that was our fun day. After Sunday school a group of boys that lived around Purdy, would meet at my house, nearly all owned saddle horses. We would go out on the prairie, there was not very many fences then. We would rope calves and have our rodeo, riding these calves on Sunday was when I learned to ride. ”

- Joe Davis

“ One thing I learned about riding is to look for trouble before it happens. ”

- Joe Davis

“ Study the best and highest things that are; but of yourself humble thoughts retain. ”

- Joe Davis

“ Study the best and highest things that are; but of yourself humble thoughts retain. ”

- Joe Davis

“ Sunday, that was our fun day. After Sunday school a group of boys that lived around Purdy, would meet at my house, nearly all owned saddle horses. We would go out on the prairie, there was not very many fences then. We would rope calves and have our rodeo, riding these calves on Sunday was when I learned to ride. ”

- Joe Davis

“ Sunday, that was our fun day. After Sunday school a group of boys that lived around Purdy, would meet at my house, nearly all owned saddle horses. We would go out on the prairie, there was not very many fences then. We would rope calves and have our rodeo, riding these calves on Sunday was when I learned to ride. ”

- Joe Davis

“ Sunday, that was our fun day. After Sunday school a group of boys that lived around Purdy, would meet at my house, nearly all owned saddle horses. We would go out on the prairie, there was not very many fences then. We would rope calves and have our rodeo, riding these calves on Sunday was when I learned to ride. ”

- Joe Davis

“ Sunday, that was our fun day. After Sunday school a group of boys that lived around Purdy, would meet at my house, nearly all owned saddle horses. We would go out on the prairie, there was not very many fences then. We would rope calves and have our rodeo, riding these calves on Sunday was when I learned to ride. ”

- Joe Davis

“ I went to school at this log school house. A white woman was my teacher, I do not remember her name. My father had to pay her one dollar a month for me. Us kids that went to school did not have desks, we used slates and set on the hued down logs for seats. ”

- Joe Davis

“ Study the best and highest things that are; but of yourself humble thoughts retain. ”

- Joe Davis
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