Quotes of Judith M. Bardwick - somelinesforyou

“ Real confidence comes from knowing and accepting yourself — your strengths and your limitations — in contrast to depending on affirmation from others. ”

- Judith M. Bardwick

“ Real confidence comes from knowing and accepting yourself — your strengths and your limitations — in contrast to depending on affirmation from others. ”

- Judith M. Bardwick

“ Very few people are ambitious in the sense of having a specific image of what they want to achieve. Most people's sights are only toward the next run, the next increment of money. ”

- Judith M. Bardwick

“ Very few people are ambitious in the sense of having a specific image of what they want to achieve. Most people's sights are only toward the next run, the next increment of money. ”

- Judith M. Bardwick

“ Very few people are ambitious in the sense of having a specific image of what they want to achieve. Most people's sights are only toward the next run, the next increment of money. ”

- Judith M. Bardwick
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