“ Global capital markets pose the same kinds of problems that jet planes do. They are faster, more comfortable, and they get you where you are going better. But the crashes are much more spectacular. ”
- Larry Summers- Copy
- 1.8K
“ In the history of the world, no one has ever washed a rented car. ”
- Larry Summers- Copy
- 2.9K
“ In a whole set of ways, by diluting the commissioner's accountability, by diluting the administration's accountability, it could actually prove to be very counterproductive. ”
- Larry Summers- Copy
- 3.1K
“ Blaming speculators as a response to financial crisis goes back at least to the Greeks. It's almost always the wrong response. ”
- Larry Summers- Copy
- 2.7K
“ Blaming speculators as a response to financial crisis goes back at least to the Greeks. It's almost always the wrong response. ”
- Larry Summers- Copy
- 445
“ In the history of the world, no one has ever washed a rented car. ”
- Larry Summers- Copy
- 1.8K
“ In a whole set of ways, by diluting the commissioner's accountability, by diluting the administration's accountability, it could actually prove to be very counterproductive. ”
- Larry Summers- Copy
- 3.2K
“ It used to be said that when the U.S. sneezed, the world caught a cold. The opposite is equally true today. ”
- Larry Summers- Copy
- 3.3K
“ It used to be said that when the U.S. sneezed, the world caught a cold. The opposite is equally true today. ”
- Larry Summers- Copy
- 4K
“ In politics, as in poetry, it is sometimes true that it is darkest before dawn. ”
- Larry Summers- Copy
- 421
“ Start with the idea that you can't repeal the laws of economics. Even if they are inconvenient. ”
- Larry Summers- Copy
- 648
“ In the history of the world, no one has ever washed a rented car. ”
- Larry Summers- Copy
- 3K
“ In politics, as in poetry, it is sometimes true that it is darkest before dawn. ”
- Larry Summers- Copy
- 3.2K
“ It says something about this new global economy that USA Today now reports every morning on the day's events in Asian markets. ”
- Larry Summers- Copy
- 438
“ It says something about this new global economy that USA Today now reports every morning on the day's events in Asian markets. ”
- Larry Summers- Copy
- 3.9K
“ Start with the idea that you can't repeal the laws of economics. Even if they are inconvenient. ”
- Larry Summers- Copy
- 3K
“ Global capital markets pose the same kinds of problems that jet planes do. They are faster, more comfortable, and they get you where you are going better. But the crashes are much more spectacular. ”
- Larry Summers- Copy
- 3.7K
“ In the history of the world, no one has ever washed a rented car. ”
- Larry Summers- Copy
- 2.7K
“ In this age of electronic money, investors are no longer seduced by a financial 'dance of a thousand veils.' Only hard and accurate information on reserves, current accounts, and monetary and fiscal conditions will keep capital from fleeing precipitously at the first sign of trouble. ”
- Larry Summers- Copy
- 1.7K
“ In the history of the world, no one has ever washed a rented car. ”
- Larry Summers- Copy
- 3.5K
“ Global capital markets pose the same kinds of problems that jet planes do. They are faster, more comfortable, and they get you where you are going better. But the crashes are much more spectacular. ”
- Larry Summers- Copy
- 3.3K
“ It says something about this new global economy that USA Today now reports every morning on the day's events in Asian markets. ”
- Larry Summers- Copy
- 897
“ Start with the idea that you can't repeal the laws of economics. Even if they are inconvenient. ”
- Larry Summers- Copy
- 2.6K
“ The dramatic modernization of the Asian economies ranks alongside the Renaissance and the Industrial Revolution as one of the most important developments in economic history. ”
- Larry Summers- Copy
- 3.9K
“ Start with the idea that you can't repeal the laws of economics. Even if they are inconvenient. ”
- Larry Summers- Copy
- 2.7K
“ Global capital markets pose the same kinds of problems that jet planes do. They are faster, more comfortable, and they get you where you are going better. But the crashes are much more spectacular. ”
- Larry Summers- Copy
- 2.3K
“ In politics, as in poetry, it is sometimes true that it is darkest before dawn. ”
- Larry Summers- Copy
- 3.3K
“ Blaming speculators as a response to financial crisis goes back at least to the Greeks. It's almost always the wrong response. ”
- Larry Summers- Copy
- 2.4K
“ In politics, as in poetry, it is sometimes true that it is darkest before dawn. ”
- Larry Summers- Copy
- 3.9K
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