Quotes of Lee Haney - somelinesforyou

“ It (the relationship) crossed the line and compromised security. ”

- Lee Haney

“ We're not turning our cheek to this, but these are truly reasons that are out of our control. ”

- Lee Haney

“ We're not turning our cheek to this, but these are truly reasons that are out of our control. ”

- Lee Haney

“ We're not turning our cheek to this, but these are truly reasons that are out of our control. ”

- Lee Haney

“ We're not turning our cheek to this, but these are truly reasons that are out of our control. ”

- Lee Haney

“ We think ours accomplishes two different things: It protects children against secondhand smoke and continues to ensure our livelihood as a tourist economy. ”

- Lee Haney

“ We think ours accomplishes two different things: It protects children against secondhand smoke and continues to ensure our livelihood as a tourist economy. ”

- Lee Haney

“ We think ours accomplishes two different things: It protects children against secondhand smoke and continues to ensure our livelihood as a tourist economy. ”

- Lee Haney

“ We think ours accomplishes two different things: It protects children against secondhand smoke and continues to ensure our livelihood as a tourist economy. ”

- Lee Haney

“ We think ours accomplishes two different things: It protects children against secondhand smoke and continues to ensure our livelihood as a tourist economy. ”

- Lee Haney

“ We think ours accomplishes two different things: It protects children against secondhand smoke and continues to ensure our livelihood as a tourist economy. ”

- Lee Haney

“ We think ours accomplishes two different things: It protects children against secondhand smoke and continues to ensure our livelihood as a tourist economy. ”

- Lee Haney

“ We're not turning our cheek to this, but these are truly reasons that are out of our control. ”

- Lee Haney
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