Quotes of Martha Stewart - somelinesforyou

“ The more you adapt, the more interesting you are. ”

- Martha Stewart

“ Without an open-minded mind, you can never be a great success. ”

- Martha Stewart

“ I've always felt that life should be an adventure, that every day should be important... There can be no doubt that the last three years have certainly been an adventure for me and for all of you. Though it was stressful — very stressful — I can say that I don't regret everything. ”

- Martha Stewart

“ I love the challenge of starting at zero every day and seeing how much I can accomplish. ”

- Martha Stewart

“ I am very interested in entrepreneurial initiative. Wherever I find it, I'm always encouraging it. and trying to give them good advice, sound advice. ”

- Martha Stewart

“ It could be a lifestyle suite devoted to exercise or to love...but you have to have a vision. ”

- Martha Stewart

“ I was married for 30 years. Isn't that enough? I've had my share of dirty underwear on the floor. ”

- Martha Stewart

“ I was married for 30 years. Isn't that enough? I've had my share of dirty underwear on the floor. ”

- Martha Stewart

“ I have a microphone on one ankle and an ankle bracelet on the other, so I'm well balanced today. ”

- Martha Stewart

“ It feels great to be home — do you guys want any coffee or donuts — I haven't had breakfast yet. ”

- Martha Stewart

“ They have a lot of time to think and plan for the future, and they should be encouraged to. ”

- Martha Stewart

“ I have adjusted and am very busy,... The camp is like an old-fashioned college campus — without the freedom, of course. ”

- Martha Stewart

“ The board of directors (at Martha Stewart Living) may be a little nervous. ”

- Martha Stewart

“ It feels great to be home — do you guys want any coffee or donuts — I haven't had breakfast yet. ”

- Martha Stewart

“ My new motto is: When you're through changing, you're through. ”

- Martha Stewart

“ Life is too complicated not to be orderly. ”

- Martha Stewart

“ Martha's Holidays 2005. ”

- Martha Stewart

“ Great music is an important part of living, especially during the holidays,... Family activities such as gift wrapping, baking, cooking and entertaining are enlivened with beautiful songs, traditional carols, fantastic vocalists and famous musical renditions… ”

- Martha Stewart

“ I invented 'It's a good thing' before you were even born. ”

- Martha Stewart

“ I am very interested in entrepreneurial initiative. Wherever I find it, I'm always encouraging it. and trying to give them good advice, sound advice. ”

- Martha Stewart

“ I have a microphone on one ankle and an ankle bracelet on the other, so I'm well balanced today. ”

- Martha Stewart

“ Revenge of the Middle-Aged Woman. ”

- Martha Stewart

“ Many of my executives have worked with me since the beginning. I can be fair and decisive and encouraging as well as demanding. ”

- Martha Stewart

“ My new motto is: When you're through changing, you're through. ”

- Martha Stewart

“ Because they are generated in what may seem to be a very comfortable setting, the frequent candor has led to multitudes of embarrassing moments. ”

- Martha Stewart

“ I think it's very important that whatever you're trying to make or sell, or teach has to be basically good. A bad product and you know what? You won't be here in ten years. ”

- Martha Stewart

“ When they were preparing for trial, prosecutors had a responsibility to ask — 'you didn't write the first report, you didn't sign off on it — were you there?'. ”

- Martha Stewart

“ I want you to know that I am innocent - and that I will fight to clear my name. ”

- Martha Stewart

“ I had hoped for, at the most, some confinement, community service,... And instead I have five months of incarceration, and five months of house arrest that's monitored.... But it could have been worse.... Five months versus 10 months or 16 months... That's a good thing. ”

- Martha Stewart

“ I'm delighted to team with KB Home to create beautiful and functional homes that are filled with the design, colors, and high-quality materials that have been the inspiration for my homes over the years,... Each room in the home will be carefully constructed and handsomely appointed. ”

- Martha Stewart
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