“ Disregard for human beings is the first qualification of a dictator. ”
- Milton S. Eisenhower- Copy
- 1.9K
“ Disregard for human beings is the first qualification of a dictator. ”
- Milton S. Eisenhower- Copy
- 3.4K
“ Higher education and business are basically interdependent. One needs money to produce educated people, and the other needs educated people to produce money. ”
- Milton S. Eisenhower- Copy
- 1.9K
“ Higher education and business are basically interdependent. One needs money to produce educated people, and the other needs educated people to produce money. ”
- Milton S. Eisenhower- Copy
- 1.2K
“ Higher education and business are basically interdependent. One needs money to produce educated people, and the other needs educated people to produce money. ”
- Milton S. Eisenhower- Copy
- 2.1K
“ Disregard for human beings is the first qualification of a dictator. ”
- Milton S. Eisenhower- Copy
- 2.6K
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