“ Be humble, for the worst thing in the world is of the same stuff as you; be confident, for the stars are of the same stuff as you. ”
- Nicholai Velimirovic- Copy
- 438
“ Be humble, for the worst thing in the world is of the same stuff as you; be confident, for the stars are of the same stuff as you. ”
- Nicholai Velimirovic- Copy
- 701
“ Be humble, for the worst thing in the world is of the same stuff as you; be confident, for the stars are of the same stuff as you. ”
- Nicholai Velimirovic- Copy
- 1.4K
“ Be humble, for the worst thing in the world is of the same stuff as you; be confident, for the stars are of the same stuff as you. ”
- Nicholai Velimirovic- Copy
- 1