Quotes of Pearl White - somelinesforyou

“ All the home I know is a hotel. Why, I don't even have a dog… I don't know the first thing about cooking or taking care of a house. ”

- Pearl White

“ All the home I know is a hotel. Why, I don't even have a dog… I don't know the first thing about cooking or taking care of a house. ”

- Pearl White

“ I got a sweet little telephone call from my director to the general effect that we can't fall behind in our schedule… I had to go-and leave behind me all the pleasures of a snow-white bed, and candy and flowers, and the other lovely things that make illness a positive privilege. ”

- Pearl White

“ There is no acting in a serial. You simply race through the reels. ”

- Pearl White

“ There is no acting in a serial. You simply race through the reels. ”

- Pearl White

“ Why should I have my picture taken when I can get paid for it? ”

- Pearl White

“ I got a sweet little telephone call from my director to the general effect that we can't fall behind in our schedule… I had to go-and leave behind me all the pleasures of a snow-white bed, and candy and flowers, and the other lovely things that make illness a positive privilege. ”

- Pearl White

“ It is born to every Western girl to like outdoor life and to do all kinds of wild, daring things. ”

- Pearl White

“ It is born to every Western girl to like outdoor life and to do all kinds of wild, daring things. ”

- Pearl White

“ All the home I know is a hotel. Why, I don't even have a dog… I don't know the first thing about cooking or taking care of a house. ”

- Pearl White

“ All the home I know is a hotel. Why, I don't even have a dog… I don't know the first thing about cooking or taking care of a house. ”

- Pearl White

“ All the home I know is a hotel. Why, I don't even have a dog… I don't know the first thing about cooking or taking care of a house. ”

- Pearl White

“ All the home I know is a hotel. Why, I don't even have a dog… I don't know the first thing about cooking or taking care of a house. ”

- Pearl White

“ All the home I know is a hotel. Why, I don't even have a dog… I don't know the first thing about cooking or taking care of a house. ”

- Pearl White

“ I get letters from every conceivable place. A bagful of stuff a week. I don't know why they keep up. You'd think all the people that intended to write would have written by this time and gotten over it. But the stuff keeps coming. ”

- Pearl White

“ I got a sweet little telephone call from my director to the general effect that we can't fall behind in our schedule… I had to go-and leave behind me all the pleasures of a snow-white bed, and candy and flowers, and the other lovely things that make illness a positive privilege. ”

- Pearl White

“ There is no acting in a serial. You simply race through the reels. ”

- Pearl White

“ I got a sweet little telephone call from my director to the general effect that we can't fall behind in our schedule… I had to go-and leave behind me all the pleasures of a snow-white bed, and candy and flowers, and the other lovely things that make illness a positive privilege. ”

- Pearl White

“ Why should I have my picture taken when I can get paid for it? ”

- Pearl White

“ I get letters from every conceivable place. A bagful of stuff a week. I don't know why they keep up. You'd think all the people that intended to write would have written by this time and gotten over it. But the stuff keeps coming. ”

- Pearl White

“ I got a sweet little telephone call from my director to the general effect that we can't fall behind in our schedule… I had to go-and leave behind me all the pleasures of a snow-white bed, and candy and flowers, and the other lovely things that make illness a positive privilege. ”

- Pearl White

“ There is no acting in a serial. You simply race through the reels. ”

- Pearl White

“ I got a sweet little telephone call from my director to the general effect that we can't fall behind in our schedule… I had to go-and leave behind me all the pleasures of a snow-white bed, and candy and flowers, and the other lovely things that make illness a positive privilege. ”

- Pearl White
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