Quotes of Ringo Starr - somelinesforyou

“ (Media question to Beatles during first U.S. tour 1964) "How do you find America?" "Turn left at Greenland. ”

- Ringo Starr

“ Everything government touches turns to crap. ”

- Ringo Starr

“ America: It's like Britain, only with buttons. ”

- Ringo Starr

“ America: It's like Britain, only with buttons. ”

- Ringo Starr

“ After college, I went to London to record with Jimmy Webb on a project. ”

- Ringo Starr

“ America: It's like Britain, only with buttons. ”

- Ringo Starr

“ America: It's like Britain, only with buttons. ”

- Ringo Starr

“ I like Beethoven, especially the poems. ”

- Ringo Starr

“ The trouble with leaving your feet on the ground is you never get to take your pants off. ”

- Ringo Starr

“ The trouble with leaving your feet on the ground is you never get to take your pants off. ”

- Ringo Starr

“ Everything government touches turns to crap. ”

- Ringo Starr

“ Gene Autry was the most. It may sound like a joke - Go and have a look in my bedroom, It's covered with Gene Autry posters. He was my first musical influence. ”

- Ringo Starr

“ America: It's like Britain, only with buttons. ”

- Ringo Starr

“ America: It's like Britain, only with buttons. ”

- Ringo Starr

“ America: It's like Britain, only with buttons. ”

- Ringo Starr

“ I like Beethoven, especially the poems. ”

- Ringo Starr

“ After college, I went to London to record with Jimmy Webb on a project. ”

- Ringo Starr

“ The trouble with leaving your feet on the ground is you never get to take your pants off. ”

- Ringo Starr

“ Everything government touches turns to crap. ”

- Ringo Starr

“ I like Beethoven, especially the poems. ”

- Ringo Starr

“ I like Beethoven, especially the poems. ”

- Ringo Starr

“ After college, I went to London to record with Jimmy Webb on a project. ”

- Ringo Starr

“ The trouble with leaving your feet on the ground is you never get to take your pants off. ”

- Ringo Starr

“ I like Beethoven, especially the poems. ”

- Ringo Starr

“ The trouble with leaving your feet on the ground is you never get to take your pants off. ”

- Ringo Starr

“ I like Beethoven, especially the poems. ”

- Ringo Starr

“ Of course I'm ambitious. What's wrong with that? Otherwise you sleep all day. ”

- Ringo Starr

“ I like Beethoven, especially the poems. ”

- Ringo Starr

“ And I came back and it was great, 'cuz George had set up all these flowers all over the studio saying welcome home. So then we got it together again. I always felt it was better on the White one for me. We were more like a band, you know. ”

- Ringo Starr
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