Quotes of Robert Bianco - somelinesforyou

“ We once worried that democracy could not survive if an undereducated populace knew too little. Now we worry if it can survive us knowing too much. ”

- Robert Bianco

“ We once worried that democracy could not survive if an undereducated populace knew too little. Now we worry if it can survive us knowing too much. ”

- Robert Bianco

“ Refreshingly original, bracingly adult, and thoroughly delightful, DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES is like the answer to a TV prayer you didn't know you'd made. ”

- Robert Bianco

“ Refreshingly original, bracingly adult, and thoroughly delightful, DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES is like the answer to a TV prayer you didn't know you'd made. ”

- Robert Bianco

“ It's a season with few highs and few lows, but the general level of mediocrity is higher than it has been. ”

- Robert Bianco

“ We once worried that democracy could not survive if an undereducated populace knew too little. Now we worry if it can survive us knowing too much. ”

- Robert Bianco

“ We once worried that democracy could not survive if an undereducated populace knew too little. Now we worry if it can survive us knowing too much. ”

- Robert Bianco

“ We once worried that democracy could not survive if an undereducated populace knew too little. Now we worry if it can survive us knowing too much. ”

- Robert Bianco

“ It's a season with few highs and few lows, but the general level of mediocrity is higher than it has been. ”

- Robert Bianco

“ It's a season with few highs and few lows, but the general level of mediocrity is higher than it has been. ”

- Robert Bianco

“ It's a season with few highs and few lows, but the general level of mediocrity is higher than it has been. ”

- Robert Bianco

“ We once worried that democracy could not survive if an undereducated populace knew too little. Now we worry if it can survive us knowing too much. ”

- Robert Bianco

“ It's a season with few highs and few lows, but the general level of mediocrity is higher than it has been. ”

- Robert Bianco

“ We once worried that democracy could not survive if an undereducated populace knew too little. Now we worry if it can survive us knowing too much. ”

- Robert Bianco

“ We once worried that democracy could not survive if an undereducated populace knew too little. Now we worry if it can survive us knowing too much. ”

- Robert Bianco

“ We once worried that democracy could not survive if an undereducated populace knew too little. Now we worry if it can survive us knowing too much. ”

- Robert Bianco
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