Quotes of Roden Noel - somelinesforyou

“ What if men take to following where He leads, weary of mumbling Athanasian creeds? ”

- Roden Noel

“ What if men take to following where He leads, weary of mumbling Athanasian creeds? ”

- Roden Noel

“ What if men take to following where He leads, weary of mumbling Athanasian creeds? ”

- Roden Noel

“ What if men take to following where He leads, weary of mumbling Athanasian creeds? ”

- Roden Noel

“ What if men take to following where He leads, weary of mumbling Athanasian creeds? ”

- Roden Noel

“ What if men take to following where He leads, weary of mumbling Athanasian creeds? ”

- Roden Noel
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