Quotes of Sara Jeannette Duncan - somelinesforyou

“ We often say that we fear no invasion from the south, but the armies of the south have already crossed the border - American enterprise, American capital is taking rapid possession of our mines and our water power, our oil areas and our timber limits. ”

- Sara Jeannette Duncan

“ We often say that we fear no invasion from the south, but the armies of the south have already crossed the border - American enterprise, American capital is taking rapid possession of our mines and our water power, our oil areas and our timber limits. ”

- Sara Jeannette Duncan

“ One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself. ”

- Sara Jeannette Duncan

“ One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself. ”

- Sara Jeannette Duncan

“ Human beings aren't orchids; we must draw something from the soil we grow in. ”

- Sara Jeannette Duncan

“ Why is it that when people have no capacity for private usefulness they should be so anxious to serve the public? ”

- Sara Jeannette Duncan

“ Clothes and courage have much to do with each other. ”

- Sara Jeannette Duncan

“ Clothes and courage have much to do with each other. ”

- Sara Jeannette Duncan

“ Clothes and courage have much to do with each other. ”

- Sara Jeannette Duncan

“ One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself. ”

- Sara Jeannette Duncan

“ One loses many laughs by not laughing at oneself. ”

- Sara Jeannette Duncan

“ One loses many laughs by not laughing at oneself. ”

- Sara Jeannette Duncan

“ Clothes and courage have much to do with each other. ”

- Sara Jeannette Duncan

“ One loses many laughs by not laughing at oneself. ”

- Sara Jeannette Duncan

“ A human being isn't an orchid, he must draw something from the soil he grows in. ”

- Sara Jeannette Duncan

“ Human beings aren't orchids; we must draw something from the soil we grow in. ”

- Sara Jeannette Duncan

“ Clothes and courage have much to do with each other. ”

- Sara Jeannette Duncan
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