Quotes of Stanley C. Gault - somelinesforyou

“ You have to set the tone and the pace, define objectives and strategies, and demonstrate through personal example what you expect from others. ”

- Stanley C. Gault

“ You have to set the tone and the pace, define objectives and strategies, and demonstrate through personal example what you expect from others. ”

- Stanley C. Gault

“ You have to set the tone and the pace, define objectives and strategies, and demonstrate through personal example what you expect from others. ”

- Stanley C. Gault

“ You have to set the tone and the pace, define objectives and strategies, and demonstrate through personal example what you expect from others. ”

- Stanley C. Gault

“ You have to set the tone and the pace, define objectives and strategies, and demonstrate through personal example what you expect from others. ”

- Stanley C. Gault

“ You have to set the tone and the pace, define objectives and strategies, and demonstrate through personal example what you expect from others. ”

- Stanley C. Gault

“ You have to set the tone and the pace, define objectives and strategies, and demonstrate through personal example what you expect from others. ”

- Stanley C. Gault

“ You have to set the tone and the pace, define objectives and strategies, and demonstrate through personal example what you expect from others. ”

- Stanley C. Gault

“ You have to set the tone and the pace, define objectives and strategies, and demonstrate through personal example what you expect from others. ”

- Stanley C. Gault
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