Quotes of Susie Orbach - somelinesforyou

“ Fat is a social disease, and fat is a feminist issue. ”

- Susie Orbach

“ We know that ever woman wants to be thin. Our images of womanhood are almost synonymous with thinness. ”

- Susie Orbach

“ Fat is a way of saying "no" to powerlessness and self-denial. ”

- Susie Orbach

“ Fat is a social disease, and fat is a feminist issue. ”

- Susie Orbach

“ Fat is a way of saying "no" to powerlessness and self-denial. ”

- Susie Orbach

“ We know that ever woman wants to be thin. Our images of womanhood are almost synonymous with thinness. ”

- Susie Orbach

“ Fat is a way of saying "no" to powerlessness and self-denial. ”

- Susie Orbach

“ Fat is a social disease, and fat is a feminist issue. ”

- Susie Orbach

“ We know that ever woman wants to be thin. Our images of womanhood are almost synonymous with thinness. ”

- Susie Orbach

“ Fat is a social disease, and fat is a feminist issue. ”

- Susie Orbach

“ Fat is a way of saying "no" to powerlessness and self-denial. ”

- Susie Orbach

“ Fat is a social disease, and fat is a feminist issue. ”

- Susie Orbach

“ Fat is a way of saying "no" to powerlessness and self-denial. ”

- Susie Orbach

“ We know that ever woman wants to be thin. Our images of womanhood are almost synonymous with thinness. ”

- Susie Orbach

“ Fat is a way of saying "no" to powerlessness and self-denial. ”

- Susie Orbach

“ We know that ever woman wants to be thin. Our images of womanhood are almost synonymous with thinness. ”

- Susie Orbach

“ Fat is a social disease, and fat is a feminist issue. ”

- Susie Orbach

“ Fat is a way of saying "no" to powerlessness and self-denial. ”

- Susie Orbach

“ Fat is a way of saying "no" to powerlessness and self-denial. ”

- Susie Orbach

“ Fat is a way of saying "no" to powerlessness and self-denial. ”

- Susie Orbach

“ Fat is a way of saying "no" to powerlessness and self-denial. ”

- Susie Orbach

“ We know that ever woman wants to be thin. Our images of womanhood are almost synonymous with thinness. ”

- Susie Orbach

“ We know that ever woman wants to be thin. Our images of womanhood are almost synonymous with thinness. ”

- Susie Orbach

“ We know that ever woman wants to be thin. Our images of womanhood are almost synonymous with thinness. ”

- Susie Orbach

“ Fat is a way of saying "no" to powerlessness and self-denial. ”

- Susie Orbach
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