Quotes of Terry McAuliffe - somelinesforyou

“ I’m always jacked up. I’m pumped up. It’s just, I love life and I’m having fun. ”

- Terry McAuliffe

“ I look forward to that debate, when John Kerry, a war hero with a chest full of medals, is standing next to George Bush, a man who was AWOL. ”

- Terry McAuliffe

“ He's the last guy who should be lecturing John Kerry about how to defend America and keep the faith with those who wear the uniform. ”

- Terry McAuliffe

“ I look forward to that debate, when John Kerry, a war hero with a chest full of medals, is standing next to George Bush, a man who was AWOL. ”

- Terry McAuliffe

“ There is a visceral dislike of George Bush, and it's going to bring these guys together. ”

- Terry McAuliffe

“ There is a visceral dislike of George Bush, and it's going to bring these guys together. ”

- Terry McAuliffe

“ There is a visceral dislike of George Bush, and it's going to bring these guys together. ”

- Terry McAuliffe

“ He's the last guy who should be lecturing John Kerry about how to defend America and keep the faith with those who wear the uniform. ”

- Terry McAuliffe

“ He's the last guy who should be lecturing John Kerry about how to defend America and keep the faith with those who wear the uniform. ”

- Terry McAuliffe

“ He's the last guy who should be lecturing John Kerry about how to defend America and keep the faith with those who wear the uniform. ”

- Terry McAuliffe

“ There is a visceral dislike of George Bush, and it's going to bring these guys together. ”

- Terry McAuliffe
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