Quotes of Thomas S. Kuhn - somelinesforyou

“ When reading the works of an important thinker, look first for the apparent absurdities in the text and ask yourself how a sensible person could have written them. ”

- Thomas S. Kuhn

“ Communication across the revolutionary divide is inevitably partial. ”

- Thomas S. Kuhn

“ Communication across the revolutionary divide is inevitably partial. ”

- Thomas S. Kuhn

“ Communication across the revolutionary divide is inevitably partial. ”

- Thomas S. Kuhn

“ Communication across the revolutionary divide is inevitably partial. ”

- Thomas S. Kuhn

“ Communication across the revolutionary divide is inevitably partial. ”

- Thomas S. Kuhn

“ Communication across the revolutionary divide is inevitably partial. ”

- Thomas S. Kuhn

“ Communication across the revolutionary divide is inevitably partial. ”

- Thomas S. Kuhn

“ Communication across the revolutionary divide is inevitably partial. ”

- Thomas S. Kuhn

“ Communication across the revolutionary divide is inevitably partial. ”

- Thomas S. Kuhn

“ Communication across the revolutionary divide is inevitably partial. ”

- Thomas S. Kuhn

“ Communication across the revolutionary divide is inevitably partial. ”

- Thomas S. Kuhn

“ Communication across the revolutionary divide is inevitably partial. ”

- Thomas S. Kuhn

“ Communication across the revolutionary divide is inevitably partial. ”

- Thomas S. Kuhn
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