Quotes of Timothy C. Draper - somelinesforyou

“ People waste a lot of time by not letting themselves fail. It's hard to let yourself fail — to cut your losses and move on. But sometimes, that's the most expedient thing to do. ”

- Timothy C. Draper

“ People waste a lot of time by not letting themselves fail. It's hard to let yourself fail — to cut your losses and move on. But sometimes, that's the most expedient thing to do. ”

- Timothy C. Draper

“ People waste a lot of time by not letting themselves fail. It's hard to let yourself fail — to cut your losses and move on. But sometimes, that's the most expedient thing to do. ”

- Timothy C. Draper

“ People waste a lot of time by not letting themselves fail. It's hard to let yourself fail — to cut your losses and move on. But sometimes, that's the most expedient thing to do. ”

- Timothy C. Draper

“ People waste a lot of time by not letting themselves fail. It's hard to let yourself fail — to cut your losses and move on. But sometimes, that's the most expedient thing to do. ”

- Timothy C. Draper

“ People waste a lot of time by not letting themselves fail. It's hard to let yourself fail — to cut your losses and move on. But sometimes, that's the most expedient thing to do. ”

- Timothy C. Draper
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