“ To speak the Truth, tis a thorough Aversion to Labor that makes People file off to N Carolina, where Plenty and a Warm Sun confirm them in their Disposition to Laziness for their whole Lives. ”
- William Byrd- Copy
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“ We must remember that North Carolina is more than a collection of regions and people. We are one state, one people, one family, bound by a common concern for each other. ”
- Michael F. Easley- Copy
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“ We don't do Lincoln Day Dinners in South Carolina. It's nothing personal, but it takes a while to get over things. ”
- Lindsey Graham- Copy
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“ I had some friends here from North Carolina who'd never seen a homer, so I gave them a couple. ”
- Catfish Hunter- Copy
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“ I love Charleston. That was one of the best experiences I have had making a film. I'm back to Carolina to do my next film. ”
- Tim Roth- Copy
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“ Well, South Carolina isn't exactly a bastion of openmindedness. ”
- Andy Richter- Copy
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“ It is a matter of common knowledge that the government of South Carolina is under domination of a small ring of cunning, conniving men. ”
- Strom Thurmond- Copy
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“ I traveled through South Carolina with Mark Sanford in 2000 when I covered the McCain campaign. He struck me then, as he strikes me now, as one of the most impressive people I've met in politics. I have no idea if he could win the nomination, but I think he'd be a terrific president. ”
- Tucker Carlson- Copy
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“ Bush's campaign tactics in the Republican primaries against Sen. John McCain were not an aberration. When Bush's allies and minions in New York distorted McCain's position on breast cancer research and earlier attacked him in personal terms in South Carolina, we got a first peek at Bush's willingness to tolerate almost any tactic on his way to a goal. ”
- Richard Cohen- Copy
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“ I actually defeated an incumbent Republican senator who was part of the Jesse Helm's political machine in North Carolina, the result of which is I'm now the senior senator from North Carolina instead of Jesse Helms, which is a very good thing for this country. ”
- John Edwards- Copy
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“ Playing at Carolina gave me a foundation for my entire life. It was a great foundation for me. I was with great players and a great coach and assistant coaches. We all developed the belief that basketball was more than just an individual game. But it also prepared me for life, as a father and a husband and a man… ”
- Rick Fox- Copy
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“ Why did we go to war? Why did we pick people from South Carolina, California, and all the places in between to go to a foreign land and risk their lives and have some die? To make sure that Saddam Hussein could do no more damage to the region or us than he has already done. ”
- Lindsey Graham- Copy
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“ Before I went off to North Carolina, I was reading a lot of directors' books, among them my father's autobiography. Because there's a very good chapter about the technicalities of filmmaking in that book. ”
- Anjelica Huston- Copy
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“ After trying in vain to get work to do on any newspaper in North Carolina, I advertised for a job in journalism - any sort of a job… I knew nothing about newspaper work. I had done nothing since I left the University but teach English in the Louisville, Kentucky, High School for boys one winter and lecture at the summer school at Chapel Hill one summer. ”
- Walter H. Page- Copy
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