“ The characteristic of Chaucer is intensity; of Spencer, remoteness; of Milton, elevation; and of Shakespeare, everything. ”
- William Hazlitt- Copy
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“ If we took Chaucer's writings at face value, we'd have to conclude he was a complete drip. ”
- John Hutton- Copy
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“ I shall write a book some day about the appropriateness of names. Geoffrey Chaucer has a ribald ring, as is proper and correct, and Alexander Pope was inevitably Alexander Pope. Colley Cibber was a silly little man without much elegance and Shelley was very Percy and very Bysshe. ”
- James Joyce- Copy
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“ It is lifestyle journalism the way Chaucer first invented it, and the Times, onto a good thing, is uninhibitedly publishing articles on the passing of a cuckolded poet, a rock promoter strangely addicted to collecting orangutans and an Italian writer striving to avoid becoming a bore. ”
- Francis X. Clines- Copy
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