Quotes of Completing - somelinesforyou

“ Fame and glory are fleeting, especially in the music business. That's why completing my degree and graduating from college were priorities. ”

- Clay Aiken

“ Today, we must start to recover our sanity. The way we do this is to concentrate slowly on completing one task at a time, each hour of the date, until the day is over. ”

- Sarah Ban Breathnach

“ The self-confidence one builds from achieving difficult things and accomplishing goals is the most beautiful thing of all. ”

- Madonna

“ Opposites are not contradictory but complementary. ”

- Niels Bohr

“ It is almost as if you were frantically constructing another world while the world that you live in dissolves beneath your feet, and that your survival depends on completing this construction at least one second before the old habitation collapses. ”

- Tennessee Williams
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