Quotes of Downcast - somelinesforyou

“ Well, I don't know how they define that. But they have this Texas blues thing blown kinda out of proportion. I am a Long John Hunter blues, before and after, that's what I am. ”

- John Hunter

“ A cheerful heart is a good medicine, but a downcast spirit dries up the bones. ”

- The Holy Bible

“ Who knows but that England may revive in New South Wales when it has sunk in Europe. ”

- Joseph Banks

“ It's a blue album, but it's not a blues album. I'm not pretending all of a sudden now I'm blues. ”

- Neil Young

“ Of course, there are a lot of ways you can treat the blues, but it will still be the blues. ”

- Count Basie

“ Well, I don't know how they define that. But they have this Texas blues thing blown kinda out of proportion. I am a Long John Hunter blues, before and after, that's what I am. ”

- John Hunter

“ A cheerful heart is a good medicine, but a downcast spirit dries up the bones. ”

- The Holy Bible

“ Who knows but that England may revive in New South Wales when it has sunk in Europe. ”

- Joseph Banks

“ It's a blue album, but it's not a blues album. I'm not pretending all of a sudden now I'm blues. ”

- Neil Young

“ Of course, there are a lot of ways you can treat the blues, but it will still be the blues. ”

- Count Basie
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