Quotes of Exotic - somelinesforyou

“ And you are to love those who are your aliens for you yourselves were aliens in Egypt. ”

- Bible

“ What I don't want to do is to go and buy a bunch of exotic-looking drums and set up an Afrikanische Musik in New York City. ”

- Steve Reich

“ And you are to love those who are your aliens for you yourselves were aliens in Egypt. ”

- The Holy Bible

“ It's nice to know that we don't need to wait till tomorrow, we can start to change the world today! ”

- Wil Rose

“ It is clear our nation is reliant upon big foreign oil. More and more of our imports come from overseas. ”

- George W. Bush

“ Ignorance is like a delicate exotic fruit; touch it and the bloom is gone. ”

- Oscar Wilde

“ I see the increased desire to convert the very latest and most exotic diploid regardless of any latent tendencies toward infirmities or lack of stamina. ”

- Bill Munson

“ I've yet to find a contemporary musician that can play an exotic beat, a jungle or burly beat. ”

- Anton LaVey

“ There is a sort of exotic preposterousness about a lot of elections, the way arguments are made even cruder. ”

- Chris Patten

“ Join the Army: travel to exotic distant lands, meet exciting, unusual people and kill them. ”

- Unknown

“ The fact that illness is associated with the poor — who are, from the perspective of the privileged, aliens in one's midst — reinforces the association of illness with the foreign: with an exotic, often primitive place. ”

- Susan Sontag

“ Why are we, as a nation so obsessed with foreign things? Is it a legacy of our colonial years? We want foreign television sets. We want foreign shirts. We want foreign technology. Why this obsession with everything imported? ”

- Abdul Kalam

“ The hardest theme in science fiction is that of the alien. The simplest solution of all is in fact quite profound — that the real difficulty lies not in understanding what is alien, but in understanding what is self. We are all aliens to each other, all different and divided… ”

- Greg Bear

“ Anyone who can laugh has some sense of humor. I don't think of it as an exotic gift. That's one reason why it's hard for me to answer questions about being funny — funny strikes me as a natural thing to be. ”

- Roy Blount Jr.

“ I did not want to be a tree, a flower or a wave. In a dancer's body, we as audience must see ourselves, not the imitated behavior of everyday actions, not the phenomenon of nature, not exotic creatures from another planet, but something of the miracle that is a human being. ”

- Martha Graham
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