Quotes of Henry - somelinesforyou

“ John Henry Newman was as English as roast beef, even if he lacked a passion for cricket. ”

- Clifford Longley

“ Henry Miller may write about revelers self-woven into a human hooked rug, because his ecstasy is solemn. ”

- A. J. Liebling

“ The image of Jan Fonda, Barbarella, Henry Fonda's daughter… siting on an enemy aircraft gun was a betrayal… the largest lapse of judgment that I can even imagine. ”

- Jane Fonda

“ The nearest we have to a Henry James or an Edith Wharton of the East Coast's Wasp upper classes. ”

- Charlotte Curtis

“ There is hardly a pioneer's hut which does not contain a few odd volumes of Shakespeare. I remember reading the feudal drama of Henry V for the first time in a log cabin. ”

- Alexis De Tocqueville

“ Patrick Henry railed against taxation without representation. He should see it with representation. ”

- Saul Landau

“ Now I understand why Henry VIII started his own church. ”

- John F. Kennedy

“ Henry James created more convincing women than Iris Murdoch put together. ”

- Wilfrid Sheed

“ Henry James would have been vastly improved as a novelist by a few whiffs of the Chicago stockyard. ”

- H. L. Mencken

“ Henry James was one of the nicest old ladies I ever met. ”

- William Faulkner

“ Henry James chews more than he bites off. ”

- Mrs Henry Adams

“ Henry James writes fiction as if it were a painful duty. ”

- Oscar Wilde

“ Let it be remembered that practically the sole difference between Henry Ford and a majority of the more than one hundred thousand people who work for him, is this — Ford has a mind and controls it, the others have minds which they do not try to control… You either control your mind or it controls you… ”

- Napoleon Hill

“ They tell us, sir," continued Mr. Henry, "that we are weak, unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger. Will it be the next week or the next year?…Shall we gain strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying supinely on our backs, and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies have bound us hand and foot? Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power. ”

- Patrick Henry

“ Hooray Henries are aged between 18 and 30; main interest, getting drunk together; ambition, if ambitious: to get drunk enough to do some crazy thing which will go down in the Hooray annals as a Historic Act of Hilarity. ”

- Peter York

“ I fought on the Ali-Bob Foster under card against Henry Clark. After the fights he was down in the bar or lounge area with a bunch of ladies. I came down and kinda stole part of his thunder. He jumped up and said I'm gonna box you and started yelling I'm gonna kick your butt… ”

- Ken Norton

“ Style has rarely been either a characteristic or a qualification for secretaries of state. Henry Kissinger had his square, dark-rimmed glasses, and Madeleine Albright her funky hats, but these were carefully contrived affectations. ”

- Suzanne Fields

“ Mahmud Abbas is not Thomas Jefferson. The spirit of Patrick Henry has not emerged in Lebanon. Although more than a 140 Syrian intellectuals have protested Syrian troops there and signed a public statement opposing the occupation, these intellectuals are not in the league of our own Founding Fathers. ”

- Suzanne Fields

“ Before World War II, I was living a very cloistered existence, as most cartoonists do. The work I was pouring out did not come from any real, personal life experience; this was all the residue of the accumulation of Rafael Sabatini, O. Henry, all the short-story writers that I'd been reading. ”

- Will Eisner

“ I did not major in history of art as an undergraduate, and that was on purpose on the advice of a hero of mine, the former director of the Metropolitan Museum, Francis Henry Taylor, who was just one of the most charismatic people. And I went to see him and ask his advice about preparing for a museum career… ”

- J. Carter Brown
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