Quotes of Incomparable - somelinesforyou

“ I confess I enjoy democracy immensely. It is incomparably idiotic, and hence incomparably amusing. ”

- H. L. Mencken

“ Since you are like no other being ever created since the beginning of time, you are incomparable. ”

- Brenda Ueland

“ There are movements which impinge upon the nerves with a strength that is incomparable, for movement has power to stir the senses and emotions, unique in itself. ”

- Doris Humphrey

“ Each morning the day lies like a fresh shirt on our bed; this incomparably fine, incomparably tightly woven tissue of pure prediction fits us perfectly. The happiness of the next twenty-four hours depends on our ability, on waking, to pick it up. ”

- Walter Benjamin

“ I is the first letter of the alphabet, the first word of the language, the first thought of the mind, the first object of affection. In grammar it is a pronoun of the first person and singular number. Its plural is said to be We, but how there can be more than one myself is doubtless clearer the grammarians than it is to the author of this incomparable dictionary… ”

- Ambrose Bierce
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