“ The greatest saving one can make in the order of thought is to accept the unintelligibility of the world — and to pay attention to man. ”
- Albert Camus- Copy
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“ How happy the lot of the mathematician! He is judged solely by his peers, and the standard is so high that no colleague or rival can ever win a reputation he does not deserve. No cashier writes a letter to the press complaining about the incomprehensibility of Modern Mathematics and comparing it unfavorably with the good old days when mathematicians were content to paper irregularly shaped rooms and fill bathtubs without closing the waste pipe. ”
- W. H. Auden- Copy
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“ The incomprehensibleness of women is an old theory, but what is that to the curious wondering observation with which wives, mothers, and sisters watch the other unreasoning animal in those moments when he has snatched the reins out of their hands, and is not to be spoken to! It is best to let him come to, and feel his own helplessness. ”
- Margaret Oliphant- Copy
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