“ Fame always brings loneliness. Success is as ice cold and lonely as the North Pole. ”
- Vicki Baum- Copy
- 2.6K
“ Lonely people, in talking to each other can make each other lonelier. ”
- Lillian Hellman- Copy
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“ So lonely 'twas that God himself scarce seemed there to be. ”
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge- Copy
- 3.6K
“ The thing that makes you exceptional, if you are at all, is inevitably that which must also make you lonely. ”
- Lorraine Hansberry- Copy
- 3.6K
“ It is far better to give work that is above a person, than to educate the person to be above their work. ”
- John Ruskin- Copy
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“ No man is lonely while eating spaghetti - it requires too much attention. ”
- Christopher Morley- Copy
- 1.7K
“ I was a very frustrated, lonely and anti-social young man. I felt very alienated and very bored as well. ”
- Brian Molko- Copy
- 3.2K
“ You get lonely. I've been through it a lot and I know what he went through. It's great to see him come back. I'm sure he would love to get a win on U.S. soil. My hat's off to him. ”
- John Daly- Copy
- 3.8K
“ I had a very lonely New Year's this year, I had to watch my own balls drop. ”
- Jay London- Copy
- 4K
“ You're only lonely if you don't like the person you are alone with. ”
- Wayne Dyer- Copy
- 44
“ I'm never lonely when I'm writing, because you live with the characters that are so alive in your mind. And you really see them and know them and get to be friends with them. ”
- Julie Andrews- Copy
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“ I fly from pleasure, because pleasure has ceased to please: I am lonely because I am miserable. ”
- Samuel Johnson- Copy
- 1.1K
“ A man is never more his single separate self than when he sets out on a journey. ”
- John Dos Passos- Copy
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“ We are separated from God on two sides; the Fall separates us from Him, the Tree of Life separates Him from us. ”
- Franz Kafka- Copy
- 2.9K
“ People tell me there are a lot of guys like me, which doesn't explain why I'm lonely. ”
- Mort Sahl- Copy
- 1.9K
“ The silence that is in the starry sky,The sleep that is among the lonely hills. ”
- William Wordsworth- Copy
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“ I gave up on new poetry myself thirty years ago, when most of it began to read like coded messages passing between lonely aliens on a hostile world. ”
- Russell Baker- Copy
- 2.8K
“ I saw old Autumn in the misty morn Stand shadowless like silence, listening To silence, for no lonely bird would sing Into his hollow ear from woods forlorn, Nor lowly hedge nor solitary thorn; — Shaking his languid locks all dewy bright With tangled gossamer that fell by night, Pearling his coronet of golden corn. ”
- Thomas Hood- Copy
- 3.6K
“ Some men of a secluded and studious life, have sent forth from their closet or their cloister, rays of intellectual light that have agitated courts, and revolutionized kingdoms; like the moon, that far removed from the ocean, and shining upon it with a serene and sober light, is the chief cause of all those ebbings and flowings which incessantly disturb that world of waters. ”
- Charles Caleb Colton- Copy
- 1.7K
“ Our own acts are isolated and one act does not buy absolution for another. ”
- William Butler Yeats- Copy
- 2.3K
“ An aphorism ought to be entirely isolated from the surrounding world like a little work of art and complete in itself like a hedgehog. ”
- Friedrich von Schlegel- Copy
- 3.2K
“ An isolated outbreak of virginity is a rash on the face of society. It arouses only pity from the married, and embarrassment from the single. ”
- Charlotte Bingham- Copy
- 3.5K
“ Great men are rarely isolated mountain-peaks; they are the summits of ranges. ”
- Thomas Wentworth Higginson- Copy
- 1.2K
“ In nature we never see anything isolated, but everything in connection with something else which is before it, beside it, under it and over it. ”
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe- Copy
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