Quotes of Lace - somelinesforyou

“ I do have a blurred memory of sitting on the stairs and trying over and over again to tie one of my shoelaces, but that is all that comes back to me of school itself. ”

- Roald Dahl

“ I can never bring you to realize the importance of sleeves, the suggestiveness of thumb-nails, or the great issues that may hang from a boot-lace. ”

- Arthur Conan Doyle

“ Older women can afford to agree that femininity is a charade, a matter of colored hair, ecru lace and whalebones, the kind of slap and tat that transvestites are in love with, and no more. ”

- Germaine Greer

“ What ever is the natural propensity of a person is hard to overcome. If a dog were made a king, he would still gnaw at his shoe's laces. ”

- Hitopadesa

“ To treat a poor wretch with a bottle of Burgundy, and fill his snuff-box, is like giving a pair of laced ruffles to a man that has never a shirt on his back. ”

- Tom Brown

“ She was dressed in a peignoir of beige lace with a blonde wig above false eyelashes-a kind of Mt Rushmore of the cosmetician's art. ”

- Dwight Whitney

“ But by all this I am not deterred, for I have seen, I have heard, I have felt. ”

- Emanuel Swedenborg

“ Even darkness which may be felt. ”

- Bible

“ I never felt any different from anyone else though. ”

- Louise Brown

“ I felt safe in the environment. ”

- David Michaelis
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