Quotes of Languor - somelinesforyou

“ It has been said that idleness is the parent of mischief, which is very true; but mischief itself is merely an attempt to escape from the dreary vacuum of idleness. ”

- George Borrow

“ I don't want to be that guy mumbling into his drink at a bar. ”

- Bill Murray

“ We are lazier in our minds than in our bodies. ”

- La Rochefoucauld

“ My passions are all asleep from my having slumbered till nearly eleven and weakened the animal fiber all over me to a delightful sensation about three degrees on this sight of faintness — if I had teeth of pearl and the breath of lilies I should call it languor — but as I am I must call it laziness… ”

- John Keats

“ The leading and characteristic features of the morbid state to which I would direct your attention are, anaemia, general languor and debility, remarkable feebleness of the heart's action, irritability of the stomach, and a peculiar change of the colour in the skin, occurring in connection with a diseased condition of the suprarenal capsules. ”

- Thomas Addison
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