“ Condoms aren't completely safe. A friend of mine was wearing one and got hit by a bus. ”
- Bob Rubin- Copy
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“ My doctor gave me six months to live but when I couldn't pay the bill, he gave me six months more. ”
- Walter Matthau- Copy
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“ I can't believe that out of 100,000 sperm, you were the quickest. ”
- Steven Pearl- Copy
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“ That is the best - to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. ”
- Gloria Vanderbilt- Copy
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“ From there to here, and here to there, funny things are everywhere. ”
- Dr. Seuss- Copy
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“ Men show their characters in nothing more clearly than in what they think laughable. ”
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe- Copy
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“ My doctor said I look like a million dollars - green and wrinkled. ”
- Red Skelton- Copy
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“ Men show their character in nothing more clearly than by what they find laughable. ”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson- Copy
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“ Why, Sir, most schemes of political improvement are very laughable things. ”
- Samuel Johnson- Copy
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“ There are people who not only strive to remain static themselves, but strive to keep everything else so… their position is almost laughably hopeless. ”
- Odell Shepard- Copy
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“ The man of understanding finds everything laughable. ”
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe- Copy
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“ Men show their character in nothing more clearly than what they think laughable. ”
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe- Copy
- 3.9K
“ I know of nothing more laughable than a doctor who does not die of old age. ”
- Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire- Copy
- 2.6K
“ If we have learned one thing from the history of invention and discovery, it is that, in the long run - and often in the short one - the most daring prophecies seem laughably conservative. ”
- Arthur C. Clarke- Copy
- 1.6K
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