Quotes of League - somelinesforyou

“ A man on foot, on horseback or on a bicycle will see more, feel more, enjoy more in one mile than the motorized tourists can in a hundred miles. ”

- Edward Abbey

“ Going to work for a large company is like getting on a train. Are you going sixty miles an hour or is the train going sixty miles an hour and you're just sitting still? ”

- Henry George

“ I would love to see as many of the black players as possible in today's Major League Baseball make every effort to go to the Negro Leagues Museum and get a first-hand view of how it all started. ”

- Ferguson Jenkins

“ A major league baseball team is a collection of 25 youngish men who have made the major leagues and discovered that in spite of it, life remains distressingly short of ideal. ”

- Roger Kahn

“ The greatest feeling in the world is to win a major league game. The second greatest feeling is to lose a major league game. ”

- Chuck Tanner

“ With all their faults, trade unions have done more for humanity than any other organization of men that ever existed. They have done more for decency, for honesty, for education, for the betterment of the race, for the developing of character in man, than any other association of men. ”

- Clarence Darrow

“ Distance changes utterly when you take the world on foot. A mile becomes a long way, two miles literally considerable, ten miles whopping, fifty miles at the very limits of conception. The world, you realize, is enormous in a way that only you and a small community of fellow hikers know… ”

- Bill Bryson

“ The journey of a thousand leagues begins from beneath your feet. ”

- Lao tzu

“ The friendships of the world are oft confederacies in vice, or leagues of pleasures. ”

- Joseph Addison

“ I led the league in 'Go get 'em next time. ”

- Bob Uecker

“ A ball player's got to be kept hungry to become a big-leaguer. That's why no boy from a rich family ever made the big leagues. ”

- Joe DiMaggio

“ A ball player has got to be kept hungry to become a big leaguer. That is why no boy from a rich family ever made the big leagues. ”

- Joe DiMaggio

“ If your batting average is high enough, the Big League will find you. ”

- Unknown

“ What is the highest secret to victory and peace? To will what God wills, and strike a league with destiny. ”

- William R. Alger

“ You're probably not a member of a major league baseball team. Your errors, unless they are truly spectacular, don't show up in the morning paper. ”

- Jane Goodsell

“ Little League baseball is a very good thing because it keeps the parents off the streets. ”

- Yogi Berra

“ Who in their infinite wisdom decreed that Little League uniforms be white? Certainly not a mother. ”

- Erma Bombeck

“ I wouldn't ever set out to hurt anyone deliberately unless it was, you know, important - like a league game or something. ”

- Dick Butkus

“ I'm not so mean. I wouldn't ever go out to hurt anybody deliberately - unless it was, you know, important, like a league game or something. ”

- Dick Butkus

“ In order to become a big-league manager you have to be in the right place at the right time. That's rule number one. ”

- Leo Durocher

“ No one country has a team that hold a monopoly on the league like Maccabi does in Israel. ”

- Michael Kennedy

“ Youngsters of Little League can survive undercoaching a lot better than overcoaching. ”

- Willie Mays

“ Kids should practice autographing baseballs. This is a skill that's often overlooked in Little League. ”

- Tug McGraw

“ There should be a new way to record standings in this league, one column for wins, one for losses, and one for gifts. ”

- Gene Mauch

“ I read an interview with her a couple of years ago… when she talked about what she wanted to do post-government career. She wanted to be the commissioner of the National Football League. ”

- Al Michaels

“ I could become a free agent. I'd have to go to an American League team, like the Mets. That sounds funny, doesn't it? ”

- Paul Molitor

“ Brooks Robinson belongs in a higher league. ”

- Pete Rose

“ Maybe in a few months I can start to daydream if we are still top of the league. That is the main one for us. ”

- John Terry

“ Anybody with ability can play in the big leagues. But to be able to trick people year in and year out the way I did, I think that was a much greater feat. ”

- Bob Uecker

“ Every mile is two in winter. ”

- George Herbert
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