Quotes of License - somelinesforyou

“ The people never give up their liberties, but under some delusion. ”

- Edmund Burke

“ Will you permit the sacred fire of liberty, brought by your fathers from the venerable temples of Britain, to be quenched and trodden out on the simple altars they have raised? ”

- Joseph Howe

“ Nothing brings more pain than too much pleasure; nothing more bondage than too much liberty, (or libertinism.). ”

- Benjamin Franklin

“ I must have liberty Withal, as large a charter as the wind, To blow on whom I please. - As You Like It. Act ii. Sc. 7. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ Liberty is the right to do as the law permits. ”

- Montesquieu

“ Why shouldn't we give our teachers a license to obtain software, all software, any software, for nothing? Does anyone demand a licensing fee, each time a child is taught the alphabet? ”

- William Gibson

“ A marriage license should not be viewed as a license for a husband to forcibly rape his wife with impunity. ”

- Sol Wachtler

“ What more fiendish proof of cosmic irresponsibility than a Nature which, having invented sex as a way to mix genes, then permits to arise, amid all its perfumed and hypnotic inducements to mate, a tireless tribe of spirochetes and viruses that torture and kill us for following orders? ”

- John Updike

“ I must have libertyWithal, as large a charter as the wind,To blow on whom I please. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ Liberty is the right to do what I like; license, the right to do what you like. ”

- Bertrand Russell

“ We had a great season, a franchise record. It's all gone now. ”

- Tim Duncan

“ We couldn't do anything better that would make this franchise better. ”

- Phil Jackson

“ That most delicious of all privileges - spending other people's money. ”

- John Randolph

“ I think we got away from, I think we got a lot away from being the fiscal conservative, individuals rights, less government, and I think we have to re-establish that franchise. ”

- Bob Smith

“ Clearly when the liberties are left unrestricted they collide with one another. ”

- John Rawls

“ Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties. ”

- John Milton

“ Even if it's a little thing, do something for those who have need of help, something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it. ”

- Albert Schweitzer

“ What men value in the world is not rights, but privileges. ”

- H. L. Mencken

“ Pressure is a privilege. ”

- Billie Jean King

“ Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so too. ”

- Voltaire

“ Think for yourselves, and let others enjoy the privilege to do so, too. Man is free at the moment he wishes to be. ”

- Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire

“ The known propensity of a democracy is to licentiousness which the ambitious call, and the ignorant believe to be liberty. ”

- Fisher Ames

“ There is nothing with which it is so dangerous to take liberties as liberty itself. ”

- Andre Breton

“ We can afford no liberties with liberty itself. ”

- Robert Jackson

“ I think we've done pretty much everything we can do, as far as setting up the franchise for the future. ”

- Mario Lemieux

“ Liberty is the right of doing whatever the laws permit. ”

- Charles De Secondat

“ Liberty is the right of every man to be honest, to think and to speak without hypocrisy. ”

- Jose Marti

“ Everybody understands that he's the future of the franchise. He's done even better this season than we thought he'd do. The way he's played, at that age, is quite amazing. ”

- Mario Lemieux

“ The liberty of speaking and writing guards our other liberties. ”

- Thomas Jefferson

“ When liberty becomes license, dictatorship is near. ”

- Will Durant
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