Quotes of Motel - somelinesforyou

“ Adam's Mark is the first hotel chain of its kind to take such comprehensive affirmative steps to prevent discrimination in its hotels. ”

- Janet Reno

“ The hotel was once where things coalesced, where you could meet both townspeople and travelers. Not so in a motel. No matter how you build it, the motel remains the haunt of the quick and dirty, where the only locals are Chamber of Commerce boys every fourth Thursday… ”

- William Trogdon

“ It will never be mistaken for a high school gymnasium or a meeting room in a Midwestern motel. ”

- Donal Henahan

“ We stopped at a motel in Arkansas last night and got panhandled so badly by some crazy white-trash lady with two teeth. She had a story that was 40 minutes long, but basically she just wanted money. ”

- Drea De Matteo

“ The hotel was once where things coalesced, where you could meet both townspeople and travelers. Not so in a motel. No matter how you build it, the motel remains the haunt of the quick and dirty, where the only locals are Chamber of Commerce boys every fourth Thursday. ”

- William Least Heat Moon
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