Quotes of Prophetic - somelinesforyou

“ Like ultraviolet rays memory shows to each man in the book of life a script that invisibly and prophetically glosses the text. ”

- Walter Benjamin

“ How prophetic L'Enfant was when he laid out Washington as a city that goes around in circles! ”

- John Mason Brown

“ The past is prophetic in that it asserts loudly that wars are poor chisels for carving out peaceful tomorrows. ”

- Martin Luther King Jr.

“ Poetry reveals to us the loveliness of nature, brings back the freshness of youthful feelings, reviews the relish of simple pleasures, keeps unquenched the enthusiasm which warmed the springtime of our being, refines youthful love, strengthens our interest in human mature, by vivid delineations of its tenderest and softest feelings, and through the brightness of its prophetic visions, helps faith to lay hold on the future life. ”

- William Ellery Channing

“ Think of how many religions attempt to validate themselves with prophecy. Think of how many people rely on these prophecies, however vague, however unfulfilled, to support or prop up their beliefs. Yet has there ever been a religion with the prophetic accuracy and reliability of science? ”

- Carl Edward Sagan

“ THIS is the forest primeval. The murmuring pines and the hemlocks, Bearded with moss, and in garments green, indistinct in the twilight, Stand like Druids of eld, with voices sad and prophetic, Stand like harpers hoar, with beards that rest on their bosoms… ”

- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

“ Ignorance of God's prophetic outline, failure to know God's program for the Church, the nations, and Israel, is the cause of the overwhelming amount of error and misunderstanding of the events of the future. ”

- M. R. Dehaan

“ When a scientist is ahead of his times, it is often through misunderstanding of current, rather than intuition of future truth. In science there is never any error so gross that it won't one day, from some perspective, appear prophetic. ”

- Jean Rostand

“ The more I observed Washington, the more frequently I visited it, and the more people I interviewed there, the more I understood how prophetic L'Enfant was when he laid it out as a city that goes around in circles. ”

- John Mason Brown

“ People think when you get a record deal all your problems will go away. We know that the bigger we get, the more problems we'll have. I guess Puff Daddy was somewhat - what's the word? - prophetic in that respect. ”

- Brad Delson
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