Quotes of Publicist - somelinesforyou

“ Let advertisers spend the same amount of money improving their product that they do on advertising, and they wouldn't have to advertise it. ”

- Will Rogers

“ To advertisers: Do not compete with your agency in the creative area. Why keep a dog and bark yourself? ”

- David Ogilvy

“ If advertisers spent the same amount of money on improving their products as they do on advertising then they wouldn't have to advertise them. ”

- Will Rogers

“ Advertisers constantly invent cures to which there is no disease. ”

- Unknown

“ Christ would be a national advertiser today, I am sure, as He was a great advertiser in His own day. He thought of His life as business. ”

- Bruce Barton

“ We obviously were fairly conservative in how we sold it and were really pleased with it. Clearly our advertisers got a bonus. ”

- Larry Kramer

“ Advertisers also know that humor can help bond us to their product. ”

- Allen Klein

“ Among other things, advertisers know that humor can make their product interesting, communicate their message, and get and hold our attention. ”

- Allen Klein

“ America must be the teacher of democracy, not the advertiser of the consumer society. It is unrealistic for the rest of the world to reach the American living standard. ”

- Mikhail Gorbachev

“ Congress seems to believe that 'Children are our future' is a phrase coined by tobacco advertisers. ”

- Jef I. Richards
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